The Israeli Craft Beer Scene

Before leaving for Israel, I was cautiously optimistic about their craft beer scene. I was told there was a small but dedicated industry that really started to blossom in the late 2010's. While there are dozens of breweries around the country, the retail scene can be boiled down to about 15 companies and 5 styles. It took me roughly one week to realize I set my expectations too high.

Last Days in Israel

With our time in Israel now over, we're back stateside in between tours. Misha jumped immediately into Spanish before even getting over her jet lag, while I've taken the time to relax (because I just worked so hard before, right Misha?). The departure process included selling my car, sorting through our belongings (see below), getting... Continue Reading →

A Quick Jaunt in Jordan

In what was perhaps our last excursion from Israel, Misha and I had an absolute blast in Jordan, Israel's eastern neighbor. The country is currently only allowing those with diplomatic visas to cross the border by car, so we took advantage of our status once again. This may also be our last road trip in my car before we sell it to a fellow diplomat, so it was a nice final drive for my Jetta. This trip didn't have the bewildering brush with border patrol that our Belgium trip had, but it wasn't complete devoid of anxiety all the same. Namely, as the trip wore on, I felt more and more certain that I was coming down with covid.

Working Stiffs

The main reason we haven't posted in a few months is because there hasn't been much to post about. All we do is work or relax around the apartment these days. There are other factors as well, such as colder weather and lockdown protocols, but we've reduced ourselves to working stiffs who use the weekends to watch Cobra Kai or the latest episode of The Stand.

Dom Got a Job!

After being unemployed for seven months, I'm finally back to work. With an office job, no less. No more showing up to work in shorts and beer shirts to throw beer kegs around for 8 hours. Don't get me wrong, I tried to work in the beer industry here, but COVID has severely limited job opportunities. Instead, I have an office with a computer, a work phone, and (eventually) a view.

Tel Aviv: Six Months Later

When we first moved to Tel Aviv, I wrote a blog about my first impressions of the city. Six months later, I've had time to explore the city, interact with locals, and notice trends both interesting and bizarre. In this post, I'd like to mention a few things people traveling to Tel Aviv should know in addition to other random observations I've made.

Road Tripping in Israel

One of the best parts about living in Tel Aviv is the relatively cheap cost of travel. Coronavirus may have hindered some of our European travel plans, but that hasn't stopped us from making several trips throughout the country. We were originally on the fence about shipping our car here, but it turned out to be a smart move. Israel is only the size of New Jersey, so a large portion of the country is reachable after only two hours in the car. In those hours, you'd be amazed at how fast the landscape can change. Whether it's sand and deserts (south), luscious green hills and mountains (north), or leafy forests (east), I'm always amazed by what I see so soon outside Tel Aviv.

Coronavirus Update

This morning, the government announced that from 4pm Tuesday through 7am Friday, people are not allowed to travel between cities. Additionally, people are not allowed to leave the house from 4pm Tuesday until 7am Thursday. If they do, they will be arrested. These rules go into place two days before Passover, with the government attempting to stop movement of the coronavirus ahead of a holiday that traditionally brings people together.

Tel Aviv and Coronavirus

Talk about a crazy start to Misha's career with the State Department. First there was the shutdown. Then there were the impeachment proceedings, which included multiple members of the diplomatic community. And now this: a global pandemic.

First Impressions of Tel Aviv

Misha, Mochi and I arrived safe and sound in Tel Aviv just before President's Day Weekend. The timing couldn't have worked out any better. Our first full day here was spent at the Embassy Branch Office receiving briefings, but we then had three days to relax and overcome the jet lag over the long weekend.... Continue Reading →

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