Working Stiffs

The main reason we haven't posted in a few months is because there hasn't been much to post about. All we do is work or relax around the apartment these days. There are other factors as well, such as colder weather and lockdown protocols, but we've reduced ourselves to working stiffs who use the weekends to watch Cobra Kai or the latest episode of The Stand.

Road Tripping in Israel

One of the best parts about living in Tel Aviv is the relatively cheap cost of travel. Coronavirus may have hindered some of our European travel plans, but that hasn't stopped us from making several trips throughout the country. We were originally on the fence about shipping our car here, but it turned out to be a smart move. Israel is only the size of New Jersey, so a large portion of the country is reachable after only two hours in the car. In those hours, you'd be amazed at how fast the landscape can change. Whether it's sand and deserts (south), luscious green hills and mountains (north), or leafy forests (east), I'm always amazed by what I see so soon outside Tel Aviv.

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