Mexico City and Oaxaca

When we first received our assignment to Guatemala and started thinking about regional travel, Misha said to me that if we were going to visit Mexico, she didn’t want to go anywhere she’d already been.  Well, much like James Taylor, I’d never really been but I sure wanted to go.  We haven’t been able to take advantage of the regional travel as much as we originally thought due to Misha’s cancer treatment, but after traveling to Mexico City on my own in February, I had to go back.  Misha had never been to Oaxaca, widely considered one of the premiere culinary destinations of the Western Hemisphere, so that’s how we spent our extended Memorial Day Weekend. 

Time to Bid: What’s Next

After nearly 14 months in Israel, it's officially time to start looking ahead to our next post.  In State Department lingo, this process is called "bidding."  I've mentioned the term "bidding" in several previous posts and in many conversations with friends and family.  When using the term in conversation, I'm almost always met with confusion. Hopefully, I can clear up some of the that here.

Working Stiffs

The main reason we haven't posted in a few months is because there hasn't been much to post about. All we do is work or relax around the apartment these days. There are other factors as well, such as colder weather and lockdown protocols, but we've reduced ourselves to working stiffs who use the weekends to watch Cobra Kai or the latest episode of The Stand.

Flag Day

The most exciting and nerve-racking day of this whole process was Flag Day. It's not even close. Following the events in the post "Now What?!", we went through a bidding process to determine what country we would be assigned to. We can only share general details, but the list of potential posts was slightly longer... Continue Reading →

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