Dom and Mochi Go to Antietam

One of the cool things about living in Virginia is the proximity to Civil War and other historical sites. I come from Massachusetts, where Revolutionary history abounds and everyone who grew up there has been beaten over the head with this history from a young age. However, having only traveled to DC once when I was in high school, I never really got a chance to see much from the Civil War period. Living down here gives me the rare chance to visit these sites, and I chose the Antietam National Battlefield in Maryland as my starting point.

The Journey Begins!

Thanks for following our adventure! Our story starts several months back on December 3rd, 2018. It's a Monday. I have the day off. Sometime in the late morning/ early afternoon I get a frantic call from Misha while she's at work. She has just received a call from the State Department to become a Foreign Service Officer (FSO), offering her a coveted spot that starts in little over one month. Holy crap...

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